Med Norma Oryx Silencer tappar du inte hastighet och energi av din kula när du använder kort pipa.
Norma introducerar nu en ny serie av jaktpatroner, optimerade för jaktvapen med korta pipor och ljuddämpare från Norma Silencer Series. De nya patronerna är optimerad för piplängder på 50 cm och laddas med vår standard Oryx-kula i ett urval kalibrar.
Norma Silencer Series har en väsentligt ökad hastighet och effekt jämfört med vanlig ammunition i korta gevärspipor. En reducerad mynningsflamma ger ett minskat mynningstryck som i sin tur förlänger ljuddämparens livslängd. I takt med att användningen av ljuddämpare ökar i popularitet, ser vi allt fler jägare som väljer att använda korta gevärspipor, för att få ned totallängden av sitt jaktvapen. Men vad få jägare vet är att när du kortar en gevärspipa, minskar effekten drastiskt och precisionen av den standardammunitionen man väljer att skjuta med.
Standardammunition är optimerad för piplängder på 60 cm medan många pipor idag endast mäter cirka 50 cm. I verkligheten betyder detta att skillnaden i längd gör det omöjligt för krutet att helt brinna ut innan kulan lämnar mynningen, vilket dramatiskt förkortar ljuddämparens livslängd och minskar ammunitionens effekten.
- Kaliber: 6,5×55
- Kulvikt:10,1g
- Fart: 780m/s
- Antal: 20st
Damyan Demitrov Mihailov –
Не съм проверявал за снимане на Ranch, но засега изглежда, че е точен и не е много скъп, много лесен за използване
Andrea Beutler –
Hilft gut beim Anvisieren eines Zielfernrohrs, um Sie auf das Ziel zu bringen, wo Sie sich anpassen können, um genau dort zu treffen, wo Sie das Zielfernrohr auf Null stellen müssen. Schönes gut verarbeitetes Produkt.
Avguština Justin –
To je izjemen opazovalec lukenj. Je enostaven za namestitev in uporabo. Všeč mi je, da je tako preprosto, a učinkovito. Vsem, ki jih ta izdelek zanima, priporočam nakup. Ne boste razočarani.
Ingegärd Crusenstolpe –
Jag fick den här för min man att se i sin .556. Han älskar det! Den var lätt att använda och kunde se i hans röda prick.
Sašo Èadež –
Ali boste dobili enega s centriranim laserjem, je igra na srečo. Najprej sem kupil cenejšega, ki je izgledal natanko tako, in je bilo zelo slabo. Kupil sem drugega, ker sem mislil, da imam pokvarjen laser, ki je zdrsnil skozi QC. Potem sem kupil tega, saj sem pričakoval, da bo nor, glede na razliko v ceni …. To je bil spet, ne eden od teh. Na koncu sem 3-krat prilagodil svoj daljnogled tako, da sem vstavil, prilagodil, izvrgel in ponovno vstavil laser. Navsezadnje sem naredil več škode, kot da bi ga pustil pri miru, dokler nisem ročno streljal in prilagajal. Vsakič sem se moj pogled odmaknil za vsaj centimeter in pol na 25 jardov v različnih smereh, pri čemer sem uporabil točko tarče za pištolo z mehurčki s premerom približno 3/4″. Naredil sem preizkus zvijanja s puščičnim valjem (preverjanje ukrivljenost) in ugotovil, da laser ni centriran zaradi nihanj. Iz moje dnevne sobe na približno 15-20 čevljih je ta stvar odstopala, kar se je zdelo, da je premer vsaj 1/2-3/4 palca krog na steni, kar pomeni veliko bolj drastično širjenje na daljših razdaljah. Razen če ne izbirate laserja ali rdeče pike z natančnostjo kroga za čiščenje od sobe do sobe in CQB z zelo kratkim SBR, ta stvar ne gre da vam pomagam pri dosegu. Najboljša stava je, da to uporabite enkrat z nizkimi pričakovanji, da bo 100 % resnična, in nato streljate, da jo pokličete, ali pa se preprosto izogibate tem stvarem…
Velizar Antonov Dimitrov –
Страхотен инструмент за досада. Лесен и лесен за използване. Много по-добре от очакваното.
Lengyel Fruzsina –
Nemrég vásároltam ezt a lézert, és az eredetileg szállított cikk méretei nem egyeztek meg egy .223-as tokkal. Az átmérő túl nagy volt. Ahelyett, hogy rossz véleményt írtam volna, felvettem a kapcsolatot az eladóval, és együttműködtem vele a méretek helyes meghatározása érdekében. Az eladó ezután azonnal megkeresett, amikor elkészült az új terv, és napokon belül a birtokomban volt az új irányzék. Következő alkalomkor elvittem a lőtérre egy barátommal új AR-val, és 3 lövés alatt 50 yardos nulla volt az LVPO-n keresztül. A lézer erős, de nagyjából 25 yard távolságban oldódik. Ez várható, és nem befolyásolja a funkcióját, mivel a cél az, hogy az első lövés papírra kerüljön, és ez sikerül. Mindkettőmhöz extra akkumulátorok jártak, ami nagyon jó érzés.
Iglena Apostolova Alexova –
Бях скептичен, но за цената реших защо пакетът не пристигна на адреса ми няколко дни след поръчката. И страхотно обслужване на клиентите
Jenny –
I received one of these a while back and was excited to checkout some of the optics I have installed on various .223 platforms that I cannot field test during Covid.
First I used the bore sight on my Ruger Mini 14 which I had recently installed a new forward mounted red dot on. I had already adjusted the red dot manually to line up with the existing iron sights (I was able to co-witness). So I was essentially using the Feyachi Bore Sight to confirm my initial adjustments. The first problem I had, and not an issue caused by the bore sight, was that the red dot sight has a red tint to the lens. For whatever reason, when you tried to view the clearly visible red laser dot through the red dot sight, you can’t see the laser dot. I’m pretty sure that, since the red dot sight is red, the glass is treated so as to reflect red and not let it pass through. Peeking around the red dot sight I saw that the Feyachi sight printed about 2 inches to the left of where the red dot sight and the iron sights were aiming. Once I get some range time I will need to confirm this and make further adjustments.
The next rifle I checked was my S&W MP 15T. This rifle is equipped with a 2-9 Nikon BDC scope and a green laser. This is my primary range/defensive rifle. I know this baby is sighted in perfectly with the Nikon Scope and green laser converging perfectly at 100 yrds.
I installed the Feyachi Bore Sight and checked the alignment at about 40 yards. The scope cross hairs, the green laser dot and the Feyachi Bore Sight all printed within a half inch of each other which is about what you would expect as each device is pointing from a slightly different perspective angle from the other.
I feel the Feyachi Bore Sight is a good buy for the money. Perfect… no… but I have yet to see a bore sight perfectly depict any bullet impact angle. Bullets fly in an arch, laser are, dead on, straight.
I certainly like the fact that I could get a pretty good feel as to where my optics were adjusted without firing a shot. I’m pretty sure the neighbors appreciated that as well.
All and all a good item to add to you firearms tool bag
Janik Huppert –
Einfach zu verwenden. Konnte den Laser schnell nullen. Wird für 2 ARs und eine Repetierbüchse verwendet. Hat in der Dämmerung gut funktioniert. Ich habe keinen Mittag versucht, an dem die Sonne zu hell war. Kann ich empfehlen, werde andere Kaliber kaufen.
Bogdana Nikolaieva Glavcheva –
Продуктът беше в дома ми по-малко от 24 часа след като го купих. Удивително! Продуктът изглежда достоен, но дойде без батерии, така че съм малко раздразнен от това.
Gregor Gavrilov Gavrilov –
Артикулът беше изпратен навреме и пристигна по-рано, отколкото се надявах. Това е добър продукт на страхотна стойност. Аз съм много доволен!! силно го препоръчвам
Fabio Weininger –
Mann, das Ding ist süß. Funktioniert hervorragend auf Null in meinem roten Punkt. Funktioniert am besten in der dunklen Tageszeit, da die Batterien aufgrund der kleinen verwendeten Batterien bei Tageslicht keinen sehr hellen Strahl projizieren
Mészáros Bendegúz –
Egészen addig remekül működött, amíg véletlenül nem hagytam, hogy az akció lezáruljon, miközben a kamrában volt. Egy AR-15-ös gépen véletlenül eltaláltam a reteszkioldót, az becsapódott, és összetörte az egységet, teljesen letörte a hátsó részt. Ne csináld ezt!
Raymond –
Sighting in a new gun — or re-zeroing an older rifle — can be a very frustrating chore…
It can be such a hassle, in fact, that often, we sometimes end up neglecting that first day at the range for fear of pulling our hair out as we chase shots all over the paper — if we even hit paper from the start.
Traditional bore sighting involves some guesswork.
But now, instead of engaging in a procedure equivalent to tossing darts at a dartboard while looking through a rolled up newspaper, a Feyachi Bore Sight system can simplify the whole process for you.
It did come with a handy carrying case for the bore sight and the extra batteries it comes with.
This bore sight is easy to use, and worked reasonably well.
Because the Feyachi operates in the chamber and sights down the length of the bore, it proved to be very accurate and extremely easy to use. I simply turned on the laser and loaded the unit, adjusted the sights, and took a shot.
At 25 yards, the Feyachi got me on paper after the first shot, and it only took two more shots to get the open sights adjusted. The accuracy off the bench held true at 50 yards.
I can absolutely recommend this product as striking a great balance between price, portability, ease-of-use and usability.
Lutz Schober –
Funktioniert super, Firma hat super Kundenservice. Es ist ein Werkzeug zum Anvisieren in einer Optik, also muss es nichts Besonderes sein. Ich würde nur nicht empfehlen, die Aktion zuzuschlagen, wenn Sie in dieser Preisklasse bezahlen, denn dafür ist es nicht gemacht.
Rositsa Borislavova Varbanova –
С цената на амунициите в наши дни получаването на куршума на хартия е скъпо. С това първият изстрел беше във външния ринг и около 10 удара по-късно беше толкова добър, колкото получавам.
Dennis Schönborn –
Wirklich toller Anblick und sehr einfach zu bedienen. Langlebig, leicht und extrem genau. Ein Muss in Ihrer Sammlung.
Henry Tetzlaff –
Preis und Qualität dieses Laserbohrers sind einfach unschlagbar. Es kam gut verpackt und mit 3x der benötigten Batterien an … eine schöne Überraschung !!! Der Laser ist sehr hell und die Verarbeitung der Patrone war perfekt. passte gut in meine .223 und projizierte einen schönen roten Punkt auf mein Ziel bei 25 Yards. Perfektes kleines Werkzeug, um schnell ein neues Zielfernrohr sofort ganz in der Nähe zu haben! Dieses Produkt ist sehr zu empfehlen!
Eric Sprecher –
Zweifellos das Beste! Hatte Probleme mit dem Visieren in meiner Waffe, konnte nicht herausfinden, was falsch war, aber sobald ich dieses Bohrvisier hatte, war ich bereit, kurz nachdem ich damit gearbeitet hatte!
Yordan Lyobenov Adamov –
Работи както е обявено.
Annina Schwartzmann –
In Anbetracht der heutigen Munitionskosten ist es schön, ein neues Rotpunktvisier zu kaufen und es mit nur wenigen Schüssen mit diesem Bohrungsvisier auf Null zu bringen. Es passte perfekt und es kam mit zusätzlichen Batters und Plastikkoffer.
Vincent Kollmann –
Ich nahm dies mit zum Schießstand, um es in einem neuen Zielfernrohr zu sehen. Bei 50 Yards brachte es mich bis auf acht Zoll an die Mitte heran, was nah genug war. Ich brauchte ungefähr 12 Runden, um bei 50 einzuschießen. Danach nahm ich es auf 100 heraus und war genau richtig.
Erwarten Sie nicht, dass dies Sie auf Null bringt, aber es wird Ihnen einen großen Vorsprung verschaffen, um dorthin zu gelangen.
Mélanie Agostinho –
Sim, o preço é muito competitivo, mas depois da minha experiência com o Feyachi Red Laser Boresighter, eles devem adicionar um aviso na embalagem “Descartável, de uso único!” 🤣 O laser boresighter funcionou perfeitamente na primeira vez, mas quando tive que usá-lo em um segundo rifle, o laser foi completamente inútil. Talvez quando o fiz pela primeira vez, o estresse foi demais (usei meus dedos 😂) porque o laser não estava mais alinhado corretamente e projetava uma luz vermelha com aparência de halo Vs. o laser pontual no alvo.
Teófilo Gama –
Eu absolutamente amo a facilidade de uso deste boresight! Eu tive outros, e nenhum deles era mais fácil de usar do que este! É tão útil ter especialmente ao trocar óticas, ou mesmo apenas mirar em uma nova arma de fogo! Levo-o comigo para o alcance e mira na distância desejada para garantir que estou no alvo no meu primeiro tiro e, em seguida, continuo a discar minha ótica conforme necessário! Isso torna o processo muito mais rápido, fácil e garante que você não desperdice munição preciosa durante esses tempos! Eu recomendaria este produto para qualquer um que seja fã da plataforma AR, ou qualquer arma de fogo 5.56/.223! Vale cada centavo e é um ótimo complemento para a bolsa de absolutamente qualquer pessoa!
Fabiano Mascarenhas –
Considerando o custo da munição hoje em dia, é bom poder pegar uma nova mira de ponto vermelho e zerá-la com apenas alguns tiros com essa mira de furo. Encaixou perfeitamente e veio com batedores extras e estojo de plástico.
Mike Lawrence –
This is the first time using a bore sight. It’s really easy to use and really saves on ammo, which is very important these days.
This bore sight comes with 9 batteries, that’s 3 sets so you have plenty of batteries for long time use. It will fit 5.56/.223/300blackout/.223wylde calibers which is nice to be able to use one product on an array of rifles/pistols.
The red laser light is very bright and is easy to see when bore sighting your gun. I bore sighted my rifle at around 25yds, it saved me time and ammo. I definitely shot a lot less ammo than I would have normally without using the bore sight, that’s really important now days with the shortage of ammo and the current price of ammo.
The day was an overcast day when I used the bore sight and I could see the red laser very well out to 25yds-35yds no problem. In my opinion that’s the furthest I would need to use the bore sight. I did try the bore sight on a few different backgrounds to see how visible it would be and it worked fine on them all.
I sight in quite a few rifles for friends/family…I don’t know why I haven’t tried one of the bore sight tools sooner. This is a very useful tool at a great price. I would definitely recommend this to anyone with multiple guns/rifles in the aforementioned calibers…it will definitely save you time and money in the long run.
Therese Norberg –
I had bought about 500 rounds of .40S&W and one .30Cal ammo can. Everything went smoothly as expected and I had my items checked out and ready. They seem to have a better stock of ammo than most sites as well fair pricing for the most part.
My one gripe with the entire thing, was simply shipping. I had ordered my ammo, on June 21st. However, it did not actually get shipped to me, until July 1st. Which I can understand to a degree, as it only took 3 days to finally reach me. Especially way earlier than expected in the day, so I will give credit where credit is due.
I plan on buying from them again, as I mentioned above. They seem to have more stock than most sites currently, as well without break neck prices. Just bear in mind, shipping it out will take awhile. While the actual delivery part is rather quick.
Larae –
I ordered 300 rounds of 7.62 x 39 and a box of .357 mag (which no one else has). From order to delivered was eleven days. Everything was delivered in good shape. I’ll be using ammunition butik again.
Britt-Marie Lennartsson –
Visited with brother-in-law and we were able to rent several guns to try. Along with my own weapons we had a great time. Rent the guns and by the ammo. Safe and clean environment. Beginner to pro. They are there to help. We will be back for sure.